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Example set up commands are shown below. A full command reference can be found in the commands list.

Set log channels

-settings modlog set mod-logUpdated mod log to: mod-log-settings msglog set message-logUpdated message log to: message-log-settings memberlog set member-logUpdated member log to: member-log

Set mute role

Set your mute role to let sushii keep track of when members are muted and automatically mute/unmute. Note that you need to set the corresponding mute role permissions yourself for the time being (eg manually setting permissions to disable message sending permissions).

-settings mute role MuteUpdated mute role to ID 747155433655107594-settings mute defaultduration 1dSet the default mute duration to 1day

Set join messages

-settings msgchannel set generalUpdated message channel to: general-settings joinmsg set Welcome <mention> to <server> (member #<member_number>)!Updated join message to: Welcome <mention> to <server> (member #<member_number>)!-settings joinreact set ๐Ÿ‘‹Updated join react to: ๐Ÿ‘‹

When a new member joins, sushii will send the following message.

Welcome User to My Server! (member #129)!