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Basic commands

To get started, the basic commands are as you might expect. You can ban, warn, and mute one or multiple members. Just pass more mentions or IDs and make sure your (optional) reason is after them! IDs and mentions can both be interchangably used.

-ban user trolling๐Ÿ”จ user#0000 (890123456789010) banned.trolling-ban 890123456789010 890123456789011 890123456789012 890123456789013 raid๐Ÿ”จ user#0000 (890123456789010) banned.
๐Ÿ”จ user#0001 (890123456789011) banned.
๐Ÿ”จ user#0002 (890123456789012) banned.
๐Ÿ”จ user#0003 (890123456789013) banned.

Ban, mute, warn, and note commands all work the same. The only difference is for mutes you can also add a duration in the reason to make the mute timed. This will tell sushii to automatically unmute them after the given duration.


Mute and warn commands will by default DM the user the reason (and duration for mutes). You can disable this for mutes in settings if you do not want sushii to DM the targeted user. If you have some information related to a user you only want other moderators to see and to have it show up in their history, you can use the note command.


The ban command does not delete any messages. In order to ban and delete messages, use the native Discord ban menu then set the reason afterwards. This also allows for flexibility and speed when there is the urgent need to remove a user and their messages.

If you ban, mute, or warn a user without an initial reason, or if you use Discord's native ban menu, you can set the ban reason. You can either use the case number which you can find in the moderation log, or use latest. To set multiple latest case reasons, include the number of cases as shown below.

-reason latest trollingtrolling-reason latest~4 raidraid

User History

Wondering if a member is a repeating troublemaker? Use the history command to see all past moderator actions on them.

-history 890123456789010๐Ÿ”จ user#0000 (890123456789010) banned.
๐Ÿ”จ user#0001 (890123456789011) banned.
๐Ÿ”จ user#0002 (890123456789012) banned.
๐Ÿ”จ user#0003 (890123456789013) banned.


Have a new member that is suspicious? Look up their ban history across all servers sushii is in.


The lookup command is opt-in only. Sushii will not share any of your server details unless you opt-in to sharing, which will also allow you to see other servers that have opted in. You can still use the lookup command without opting into detail sharing, but information will be limited.

Some servers may have icons to differentiate between their statuses. Servers are always ordered by highest server members to lowest to determine how much consideration you should put into certain ban reasons. Servers with low member counts are hidden to prevent abuse.

๐ŸงญServer is on Discovery
Server is partnered
Server is verified
-lookup 890123456789010๐Ÿงญ Cats (123482987234) (5 months ago): trolling
Server (19824723948234) (5 months ago): raiding
another server (80865141238764) (5 months ago)Account created at August 23, 2020 7:44 PM (a year ago)